While attending Simpson College, and a member of SIFE, I created to help promote the Downtown stores of Indianola Iowa.  At the time of launch only 5 of the 120 business located with in 1 block of the town square had a web presence, and only two of those business operated sites separate from a corporate site.  State Farm Insurance, True Value and Hallmark all had small branch web presences off of their franchise sites.  Our goal was to promote entrepreneurship in our community through a free, but limited web presence, or where requested assist in creating a greater presence through a not for profit fee.

Jason Cross and Nola Soft helped turn mock ups into a fully functioning site that launched in the Spring of 2006.  The site had a dedicated directory listing each of the 120 downtown business and was expandable to show mailing address and contact information as well as links to existing websites where applicable.  There were also pages dedicated to upcoming public events, photo galleries of past events as well as links to partner sites and groups and a directions page.

The template and design, as well as the site banner were created by me, while the functionality of the site was based off of pre-existing templates owned by Nolasoft.  The site was built in a way that it could be managed by each of the incoming classes at Simpson College.  The site remained active until my graduation in after Christmas of 2007, but at this point is no longer updated.

Future intended updates included adding a posting board for Job openings as well as commercial and residential openings. 
